Using traditional Chinese acupuncture points, disposable acupuncture needles are inserted to promote blood flow and circulation to an injured area with the goal of restoring balance. This in turn helps to reduce pain & inflammation.
Acupuncture should be a relaxing experience with minimal discomfort and typically lasts ~15 minutes. There is no additional fee for acupuncture and it is typically combined with other forms of physiotherapy.
Relief may be immediate or felt within the first few days after your session.
What type of conditions are treated with Acupuncture?
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture should not hurt, but you may feel a pin prick as the needles are inserted. While the the treatment is performed, you may experience some warmth in the region or a dull ache as blood flow is increased to the area.
What can I expect after an Acupuncture Session?
You may feel immediate or delayed relief 1-2 days after a session. Sometimes the relief is felt as a cumulative effect of 2-3 acupuncture sessions.
How many Acupuncture Sessions do I need?
That really depends on what injury we are treating and how acute vs chronic the injury is. Acupuncture is used as an adjunct to hands on orthopaedic manual physiotherapy and exercise prescription at our clinic. We typically try acupuncture over 2-3 sessions to see if there is a desirable effect before moving on to an alternate treatment.